BoLC -
Bononia Legal Corpus |
The Bononia Legal Corpus - BoLC - is the result of an on-going research
project. It is aimed at the construction and analysis of a multilingual
comparable legal corpus. It is being developed at the University of Bologna.
It has been coordinated by Rema Rossini Favretti and Fabio
Tamburini. John Sinclair played a crucial role as consultant. We wish to thank
Adriano Di Pietro for his contribution during the corpus design and
The representativeness of the corpus as a whole is based on two main aspects.
For the purposes of initial inquiry, reference was made to the legal language
developed by the European Union and a pilot corpus was created consisting of
parallel corpora in Italian and English.
Subsequently, comparable corpora were set up with representative documents of
a legislative, judicial and administrative nature. The subcorpus consisting of
Italian legal language and the subcorpus consisting of English legal language
are taken to represent the two different legal systems, in particular the
differences between the civil law and the common law systems.
In this dual perspective, it is intended to compare legal texts,
representing on the one hand the common legal system of the European Union, and
on the other, the various legal systems and cultures developed by nation
States. It is aimed to take into account both the emergence of a standard legal
system at European level and the plurality of national legal systems existing
within the area of the European Union.
Further references to the project can be found in:
R. Rossini Favretti, F. Tamburini, E. Martelli, Words from Bononia Legal
Corpus, in: Text Corpora and Multilingual Lexicography (W.Teubert ed.), John Benjamins, 2007, pp. 11-30.
R. Rossini Favretti, F. Tamburini, E. Martelli, Words from Bononia Legal
Corpus, in: International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, Vol. 6 (Special Issue), 2001, 13-34.
R. Rossini Favretti, Equivalenze traduttive in corpora
giuridici multilingue,
in: Quaderni di Libri e Riviste d'Italia, ROMA, Ministero per i beni e le
attività culturali-Divisione Editoria, 1999, pp. 47-66.
R. Rossini Favretti, Cross-language analysis and large
multilingual corpora,
in: Studi italiani di linguistica teorica e applicata, XVII, 3, 1998, pp. 415-434.
R. Rossini Favretti, Using multilingual parallel corpora for the analysis of
legal language: the Bononia Legal Corpus, in: Translation Equivalence.
Proceedings of the Third European Seminar, (W .Teubert., E. Tognini Bonelli ,
N. Volz eds.), The TELRI Association -. V. , Institut für Deutsche Spräche, The Tuscan Word Centre, 1998, pp. 57-68.
R. Rossini Favretti, 'Estate' e 'tenure' come espressioni del concetto di
proprietà feudale, in: Aspects of English and Italian Lexicology and
Lexicography (D.Hart ed.), ROMA, LIS, 1992, pp. 244-253.
R. Rossini Favretti, Interpretazione e traduzione dei
testi di legge, in: Atti
della Fiera Internazionale della traduzione II, (a cura di M.A. Lorgnet),
BOLOGNA, CLUEB, 1994, pp. 335-346.