- Zhang S., Khlif N., Ferro M., Gagliardi G. Tamburini F. (2025). Cognitive Decline Detection using DLB Extraction Pipelines. In Proceedings of Prediction and Recognition Of Cognitive declinE through Spontaneous Speech (PROCESS) Signal Processing Grand Challenge, ICASSP-25, Hyderabad, India, Apr. 2025. ISSN, ISBN, DOI, scopus: .
- Tamburini F. (2024). Complexifying BERT Using LoRA Adapters. In Proceedings of the Tenth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2024), Pisa, Dec. 2024, CEUR-WS 3878. ISSN 1613-0073, ISBN, DOI, scopus: .
- Noviello Y., Tamburini F. (2024). Exploring Text-Embedding Retrieval Models for the Italian Language. In Proceedings of the Tenth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2024), Pisa, Dec. 2024, CEUR-WS 3878. ISSN 1613-0073, ISBN, DOI, scopus: .
- Zhang S., Gagliardi G., Tamburini F. (2024). Voice Activity Detection on Italian Language. In Proceedings of the Tenth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2024), Pisa, Dec. 2024, CEUR-WS 3878. ISSN 1613-0073, ISBN, DOI, scopus: .
- Belmonte M., Gagliardi G., Kokkinakis D., Tamburini F. (2024). Automatic Detection of Rhythmic Features in Pathological Speech of MCI and Dementia Patients. In Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Resources and ProcessIng of linguistic, para-linguistic and extra-linguistic Data from people with various forms of cognitive/psychiatric/developmental impairments @LREC-COLING 2024, 34–44, Torino. ELRA and ICCL, ISBN 978-2-493814-11-1 ISSN 2951-2093 (COLING); 2522-2686 (LREC), scopus: 2-s2.0-85195187801.
- Gagliardi G., Tamburini F., Innocenti M. (2023). Can speech-based measures support developmental language disorder identification? An explorative study. In Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata, LII(2), 383-401, ISSN 0390-6809, DOI, scopus: .
- Tamburini F. (2023). Decipherment of Lost Ancient Scripts as Combinatorial Optimisation using Coupled Simulated Annealing. In Proc. ACL Workshop on Computation and Written Language (CAWL), Toronto, 14th July 2023, 82-91, ISBN 978-1-959429-90-6, scopus: 2-s2.0-85174834097.
- Tamburini F. (2023). Il ruolo del linguista nel trattamento automatico delle lingue. In Bombi R., Sidraschi D. (eds.) Orientamenti nella ricerca linguistica. Lezioni di Linguistica e Comunicazione, 5, 73-91, Alessandria: Dell'Orso, ISBN 978-88-3613-347-5, ISSN 2612-5374.
- Ferrara S., Tamburini F. (2022). Advanced Techniques for the Decipherment of Ancient Scripts. Lingue e Linguaggio, XXI.2, 239-259, ISSN 1720-9331, DOI 10.1418/105964, scopus: 2-s2.0-85150285873, WoS: 000906789800003.
- Borghetti C., Tamburini, F (ed.) (2022). CLUB Working Papers in Linguistics Volume 6. Bologna: CLUB - Circolo Linguistico dell'Università di Bologna. ISBN 9788854971028, ISSN 2612-7008, DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/7115.
- Tamburini F. (2022). Neural Models for the Automatic Processing of Italian, Linguistica e Linguistiche, Bologna: Pàtron, ISBN 9788855535762.
- Tamburini F. (2022). I corpora del FICLIT, Università di Bologna: CORIS/CODIS, BoLC e DiaCORIS, In E. Cresti, M. Moneglia (Eds.) Corpora e Studi Linguistici. Atti del LIV Congresso Internazionale di Studi della Società di Linguistica Italiana, online, 8-10 September 2021, Roma: SLI, 189-197, ISBN 978-88-97657-55-2, DOI 10.17469/O2106SLI000012.
- Corazza M., Tamburini F., Valério M., Ferrara S. (2022). Unsupervised Deep Learning Supports Reclassification of Bronze Age Cypriot Writing System. PLoS ONE, 17(7): e0269544, ISSN 1932-6203, DOI https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0269544, scopus: 2-s2.0-85134184331.
- Corazza M., Tamburini F., Valério M., Ferrara S. (2022). Contextual Unsupervised Clustering of Signs for Ancient Writing Systems. In Proc. of the 2nd Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages (LT4HALA 2022), Marseille, 25 June 2022, 84-93, ISBN 979-10-95546-78-8, DOI, scopus: .
- Tamburini F. (2022). Combining ELECTRA and Adaptive Graph Encoding for Frame Identification. In Proc. of the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2022), Marseille, France, 21-23 June 2022, 1671–1679, ISBN 979-10-95546-72-6, DOI, scopus: 2-s2.0-85144430067.
- Gagliardi, G., Tamburini F. (2022). The Automatic Extraction of Linguistic Biomarkers as a Viable Solution for the Early Diagnosis of Mental Disorders. In Proc. of the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2022), Marseille, France, 21-23 June 2022, 5234–5242, ISBN 979-10-95546-72-6, DOI, scopus: 2-s2.0-85144464781, WOS: 000889371705039.
- Cuteri V., Minori G., Gagliardi G., Tamburini F., Malaspina E., Gualandi P., Rossi F., Moscano M., Francia V., Parmeggiani A. (2022). Linguistic feature of anorexia nervosa: a prospective case–control pilot study. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 27, 1367–1375. ISSN 1590-1262, DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s40519-021-01273-7, scopus: s2.0-85111341895.
- Dall'Acqua A., Tamburini F. (2021). Implementing a Pragmatically Adequate Chatbot in DialogFlow CX. In Proc. 8th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2021), Milano, 29 June-1 July 2022, 100-107, CEUR-WS 3033, ISBN 9791280136824, ISSN 1613-0073, DOI, scopus: 2-s2.0-85121275981.
- Tamburini F. (2021). Playing with NeMo for building an Automatic Speech Recogniser for Italian. In Proc. 8th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2021), Milano, 29 June-1 July 2022, 321-327, CEUR-WS 3033, ISBN 9791280136824, ISSN 1613-0073, DOI, scopus: 2-s2.0-85121259971.
- Dall'Acqua A., Tamburini F. (2021). Toward a linguistically grounded dialog model for chatbot design. Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics, 7(1-2), 191-222. ISSN 2499-4553, ISBN 9791280136770, DOI https://doi.org/10.4000/ijcol.900, scopus: 2-s2.0-85206175732.
- Gagliardi G., Tamburini F. (2021). Linguistic biomarkers for the detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment. Lingue e Linguaggio, XX.1, 3-31. ISSN 1720-9331, DOI 10.1418/101111, scopus: 2-s2.0-85129536477, WOS:000682528400001.
- Corazza M., Ferrara S., Montecchi B., Tamburini F., Valèrio M. (2021). The Mathematical Values of Fraction Signs in the Linear A Script: A Computational, Statistical and Typological Approach. Journal of Archaeological Science, 125. ISSN 0305-4403, IF 2.787, DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2020.105214, scopus: 2-s2.0-85099162223.
- Calzà L., Gagliardi G., Rossini Favretti R., Tamburini F. (2021). Linguistic features and Automatic Classifiers for identifying Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia. Computer, Speech and Language, 65(101113), 1-18. ISSN 0885-2308, IF 1.857, DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csl.2020.101113, scopus: 2-s2.0-85086985292.
- Tamburini F. (2020). How “BERTology” Changed the State-of-the-Art also for Italian NLP. In Proc. 7th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2020), Bologna, 1-3 March 2021, 415-421. CEUR-WS 2769, ISBN 979-12-80136-28-2, ISSN 1613-0073, DOI 10.4000/books.aaccademia.8203, scopus: 2-s2.0-85097904847.
- Brambilla S., Croce D., Tamburini F., Basili R.(2020). Automatic Induction of FrameNet lexical units in Italian. In Proc. 7th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2020), Bologna, 1-3 March 2021, 66-72. CEUR-WS 2769, ISBN 979-12-80136-28-2, ISSN 1613-0073, DOI 10.4000/books.aaccademia.8203, scopus: 2-s2.0-85097905803.
- Monti J., Dell'Orletta F. Tamburini, F. (2020) (Eds.). Proceedings of the 7th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, CLiC-it 2020, Bologna (online), 1-3 March 2020, 1-488, CEUR-WS 2769, ISBN 979-12-80136-28-2, ISSN 1613-0073, DOI 10.4000/books.aaccademia.8203, scopus: 2-s2.0-85121262133.
- Tamburini F. (2020). UniBO@KIPoS: Fine-tuning the Italian “BERTology” for PoS-tagging Spoken Data. In Proc. Seventh Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. Final Workshop (EVALITA 2020), 16-17 December 2020, 497-500. CEUR-WS 2765, ISBN 9791280136275, ISSN 1613-0073, DOI, scopus: 2-s2.0-85097527165.
- Minori G., Gagliardi G., Cuteri V., Tamburini F., Malaspina E., Rossi F., Moscano F., Francia V., Parmeggiani A. (2020). Linguistic Markers of Anorexia Nervosa: Preliminary Data from a Prospective Observational Study. In Proc. LREC 2020 Workshop RaPID-3: Resources and ProcessIng of linguistic, para-linguistic and extra-linguistic Data from people with various forms of cognitive, psychiatric and/or developmental impairments, Marseille. ISBN 979-10-95546-45-0, DOI, scopus: .
- Ferro M., Tamburini F. (2019). Using Deep Neural Networks for Smoothing Pitch Profiles in Connected Speech. Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics, 5(2), 33-48. ISSN 2499-4553, ISBN 979-12-80136-06-0.
- Mastronardo C., Tamburini F. (2019). Enhancing a Text Summarization System with ELMo. In Proc. 6th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2019), Bari, 13-15 November 2019. CEUR-WS 2481, ISBN 9791280136008, ISSN 1613-0073, DOI, scopus: 2-s2.0-85074823590.
- Tamburini F. (2019). A Quantum-Like Approach to Word Sense Disambiguation. In Proc. 12th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2019), Varna, Bulgaria, 2-4 September 2019, 1176-1185, ISBN 978-954-452-055-7, ISSN 1313-8502, DOI 10.26615/978-954-452-056-4_135, scopus: 2-s2.0-85076472600 (Vol).
- Antonelli O., Tamburini F. (2019). State-of-the-art Italian dependency parsers based on neural and ensemble systems. Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics, 5(1), 33-55. ISSN 2499-4553, ISBN 978-88-31978-89-7.
- Masini F., Tamburini F. (eds) (2018). CLUB Working Papers in Linguistics - Volume 2. Bologna: CLUB - Circolo Linguistico dell'Università di Bologna, p. 173. ISBN 9788898010899, DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6060.
- Beltrami D., Gagliardi G., Rossini Favretti R., Ghidoni E., Tamburini F., Calzà L. (2018). Speech analysis by Natural Language Processing techniques: a possible tool for very early detection of cognitive decline? Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 10: 369, ISSN 1663-4365, DOI 10.3389/fnagi.2018.00369, scopus: 2-s2.0-85070606797.
- Ferro M., Tamburini F. (2018). A new Pitch Tracking Smoother based on Deep Neural Networks. In Proc. 5th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics - CLiC-IT 2018, Torino, 10-12 December 2018, 193-198, aAccademia ISBN 9788831978415, CEUR-WS 2253 ISSN 1613-0073, DOI 10.4000/books.aaccademia.2802, scopus: 2-s2.0-85057711197.
- Antonelli O., Tamburini F. (2018). Parsing Italian texts together is better than parsing them alone! In Proc. 5th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics - CLiC-IT 2018, Torino, 10-12 December 2018, 27-33, aAccademia ISBN 9788831978415, CEUR-WS 2253 ISSN 1613-0073, DOI 10.4000/books.aaccademia.2802, scopus: 2-s2.0-85057757132.
- Cabrio E., Mazzei A. Tamburini, F. (2018) (Eds.). Proceedings of the 5th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, CLiC-it 2018, Torino, 10-12 December 2018, 1-391, aAccademia ISBN 9788831978415, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2253, scopus: 2-s2.0-85057766546.
- Sanguinetti M., Bosco C., Lavelli A., Mazzei A., Antonelli O., Tamburini F. (2018). PoSTWITA-UD: an Italian Twitter Treebank in Universal Dependencies. In Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC 2018, Miyazaki, Japan, 7-12 May 2018, 1768-1775, ISBN 979-10-95546-00-9, scopus: 2-s2.0-85057741980.
- Basili R., Brambilla S., Croce D., Tamburini F. (2017). Developing a Large Scale FrameNet for Italian: the IFrameNet Experience In Proc. of the Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2017), Roma, 11-13 December 2017, 59-64, ISBN 0978-88-99982-76-8, ISSN 1613-0073, 2531-4548, scopus 2-s2.0-85037348145.
- Tamburini F. (2017). Semgrex-Plus: a Tool for Automatic Dependency-Graph Rewriting In Proc. of the Fourth International Conference on Dependency Linguistics - Depling 2017, Pisa, 18-20 September 2017, 248-254, ISBN 978-91-7685-467-9, ISSN 1650-3686.
- Sanguinetti M., Bosco C., Mazzei A., Lavelli A., Tamburini F. (2017). Annotating Italian Social Media Texts in Universal Dependencies In Proc. of the Fourth International Conference on Dependency Linguistics - Depling 2017, Pisa, 18-20 September 2017, 229-239, ISBN 978-91-7685-467-9, ISSN 1650-3686.
- Basile I., Tamburini F. (2017). Towards Quantum Language Models In Proc. of Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing - EMNLP2017, Copenhagen, 9-11 September 2017, 1841-1850, ISBN 978-1-945626-83-8, DOI 10.18653/v1/d17-1196, scopus: 2-s2.0-85058046912.
- Tamburini F. (2017). Quali risorse usa (o crea) il linguista? In Masini F., Grandi N. (eds.), Tutto ciò che hai sempre voluto sapere sul linguaggio e sulle lingue, Caissa: Cesena, 137-140, ISBN 978-88-6729-044-4.
- Malavasi M., Turri E., Motolese M.R., Marxer R., Farwer J., Christensen H., Desideri L., Tamburini F., Green P. (2017). An Innovative Speech-Based Interface to Control AAL and IoT Solutions to Help People with Speech and Motor Disability. In Cavallo F. et al. (eds.) Ambient Assisted Living, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer International Publishing, 269-278 , ISSN 1876-1100, ISBN 978-3-319-54282-9, scopus: 2-s2.0-85018685142, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-54283-6_20.
- D'Errico M., Grandi N., Paternesi Meloni S., Tamburini F. (2016). Induzione di categorie grammaticali e lessicali. In F. Dedè (ed.) Categorie grammaticali e classi di parole. Statuto e riflessi metalinguistici, Roma: Il Calamo, 115-137, ISBN 9788898640188.
- Tamburini F. (2016). (Better than) State-of-the-Art PoS-tagging for Italian Texts. In Proc. 3rd Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics - CLiC-IT 2016, Napoli, 5-6 December 2016, 280-284, ISBN 978-88-99982-08-9, ISSN 1613-0073, 2531-4548, DOI 10.4000/books.aaccademia.1666, scopus: 2-s2.0-85009252494.
- Alfieri L., Tamburini F. (2016). (Almost) Automatic Conversion of the Venice Italian Treebank into the Merged Italian Dependency Treebank Format. In Proc. 3rd Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics - CLiC-IT 2016, Napoli, 5-6 December 2016, 19-23, ISBN 978-88-99982-08-9, ISSN 1613-0073, 2531-4548, DOI 10.4000/books.aaccademia.1666, scopus: 2-s2.0-85009275155.
- Bosco C., Tamburini F., Bolioli A., Mazzei A. (2016). Overview of the EVALITA 2016 Part Of Speech on TWitter for ITAlian Task. In Proc. Fifth International Workshop EVALITA 2016, Napoli, 7 December 2016, 78-84, ISBN 978-88-99982-08-9, ISSN 1613-0073, 2531-4548, DOI 10.4000/books.aaccademia.1899, scopus: 2-s2.0-85009285410.
- Tamburini F. (2016). A BiLSTM-CRF PoS-tagger for Italian tweets using morphological information. In Proc. Fifth International Workshop EVALITA 2016, Napoli, 7 December 2016, 120-123, ISBN 978-88-99982-08-9, ISSN 1613-0073, 2531-4548, DOI 10.4000/books.aaccademia.1899, scopus: 2-s2.0-85009285052.
- Green P., Marxer R., Cunningham S., Christensen H., Rudzicz F., Yancheva M., Coy A., Malavasi M., Desideri L., Tamburini F. (2016). CloudCAST - Remote Speech Technology for Speech Professionals. In Proc. Interspeech 2016, San Francisco, 8-12 September 2016, 1608-1612, ISSN 2308-457X, scopus: 2-s2.0-84994300374, DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2016-148
- Tamburini F. (2016). Specialising Paragraph Vectors for Text Polarity Detection. In Proc. 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC 2016, Portorož, 23-28 May 2016, 1190-1195, ISBN 978-2-9517408-9-1, scopus: 2-s2.0-85037094466.
- Beltrami D., Calzà L., Gagliardi G., Ghidoni E., Marcello N., Rossini Favretti R., Tamburini F. (2016). Automatic Identification of Mild Cognitive Impairment through the Analysis of Italian Spontaneous Speech Productions. In Proc. 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC 2016, Portorož, 23-28 May 2016, 2086-2093, ISBN 978-2-9517408-9-1.
- Beltrami D., Calzà L., Gagliardi G., Ghidoni E., Marcello N., Rossini Favretti R., Tamburini F. (2015). Marche linguistiche come indicatori del decadimento cognitivo, Nea Science, 9: 29-35, ISSN 2282-6009.
- Tamburini F. (2015). Automatic Detection of Prosodic Prominence by Means of Acoustic Analyses, Lingue e Linguaggio, XIV.1, 131-148, ISSN 1720-9331, doi:10.1418/80758, scopus: 2-s2.0-84942616813.
- Calzà L., Beltrami D., Gagliardi G., Ghidoni E., Marcello N., Rossini Favretti R., Tamburini F. (2015). Should we screen for cognitive decline and dementia? Maturitas, 82(1): 28-35, ISSN 0378-5122, doi:10.1016/j.maturitas.2015.05.013, scopus: 2-s2.0-84939566809.
- Basile V., Peroni S., Tamburini F., Vitali F. (2015). Topical tags vs non-topical tags: Towards a bipartite classification? Journal of Information Science, 41(4): 486-505, ISSN 0165-5515, doi:10.1177/0165551515585283, scopus: 2-s2.0-84936989835.
- Vayra M., Avesani C., Tamburini F. (2015). Il farsi e il disfarsi del linguaggio. Acquisizione, mutamento e destrutturazione della struttura sonora del linguaggio (a cura di.), Milano:AISV, ISBN: 978-88-97657-11-8.
- Beltrami D., Calzà L., Gagliardi G., Ghidoni E., Marcello N., Rossini Favretti R., Tamburini F. (2015). Strumenti di screening linguistico per l'identificazione precoce della fragilità cognitiva. In Vayra M., Avesani C., Tamburini F. (a cura di.), Il farsi e il disfarsi del linguaggio. Acquisizione, mutamento e destrutturazione della struttura sonora del linguaggio, Milano:AISV, 329-344, ISBN: 978-88-97657-11-8, DOI: 10.17469/O2101AISV000020.
- Tamburini F. (2014). Are Quantum Classifiers Promising? In In Proceedings of the First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2014, Pisa University Press, 360-364, ISBN 978-886741-472-7.
- Di Gennaro P., Rossi A., Tamburini F. (2014). The FICLIT+CS@UniBO System at the EVALITA 2014 Sentiment Polarity Classification Task. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop EVALITA 2014, Pisa University Press, 93-97, ISBN 978-886741-472-7.
- Tamburini F. (2014). Emotion Recognition with a Kernel Quantum Classifier. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop EVALITA 2014, Pisa University Press, 120-123, ISBN 978-886741-472-7.
- Grandi N., Nissim M., Tamburini F., Vayra M. (2014). La nozione di classico in linguistica. Atti del XXXVIII Convegno della Società Italiana di Glottologia (eds.). In Biblioteca della Società Italiana di Glottologia, pp. 1-208, ISBN 9788898640034.
- Tamburini F., Bertini, C., Bertinetto, P.M. (2014). Prosodic prominence detection in Italian continuous speech using probabilistic graphical models. In Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Speech Prosody, Science Foundation Ireland, 285-289, ISSN: 2333-2042, scopus: 2-s2.0-84904687334.
- Tamburini F. (2013). Una valutazione oggettiva dei metodi più diffusi per l'estrazione automatica della frequenza fondamentale In Atti dell IX Convegno Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Scienze della Voce (AISV2013), Bulzoni:Roma, 427-434, ISBN: 978-88-7870-901-0.
- Tamburini F. (2013). The Lemmatisation Task at the EVALITA 2011 Evaluation Campaign. In B. Magnini, F. Cutugno, M. Falcone and E. Pianta (eds.), Evaluation of Natural Language and Speech Tools for Italian, LNAI, Springer, 7689, 230-238, ISBN: 978-3-642-35827-2, scopus: 2-s2.0-84893377767.
- Tamburini F. (2013). The AnIta-Lemmatiser: a tool for accurate lemmatisation of Italian texts. In B. Magnini, F. Cutugno, M. Falcone and E. Pianta (eds.), Evaluation of Natural Language and Speech Tools for Italian, LNAI, Springer, 7689, 266-273, ISBN: 978-3-642-35827-2, scopus: 2-s2.0-84893419569.
- Lombardi Vallauri E., Tamburini F. (2012). Topic and Focus marking in an Italian corpus: some results of algorithmic measurements and structural interpretation. In H. Mello, M. Pettorino, T. Raso (eds), Proc. of the VII GSCP International Conference: Speech and Corpora, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Firenze University Press, 191-196, ISBN: 978-88-665-5351-9.
- Gagliardi G., Lombardi Vallauri E., Tamburini F. (2012). La prominenza in italiano: demarcazione più che culminazione. In Atti dell VIII Convegno Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Scienze della Voce (AISV2012), Bulzoni:Roma, 255-270, ISBN: 978-88-7870-774-0.
- Wagner P., Tamburini F., Windmann A. (2012). Objective, Subjective and Linguistic Roads to Perceptual Prominence. How are they compared and why? In Proc. 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (InterSpeech2012), Portland (OR), SS09.02, ISSN: 1990-9770, scopus: 2-s2.0-84878549887.
- Tamburini F., Melandri M. (2012). AnIta: a powerful morphological analyser for Italian. In Proc. 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC 2012, Istanbul, 941-947, ISBN: 978-2-9517408-7-7.
- Gagliardi G., Lombardi Vallauri E., Tamburini F. (2012). A topologic view of Topic and Focus marking in Italian. In Proc. 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC 2012, Istanbul, 948-955, ISBN: 978-2-9517408-7-7.
- Tamburini F. (2012). The EVALITA 2011 Lemmatisation Task. Working Notes of EVALITA 2011, ISSN: 2240-5186.
- Tamburini F. (2012). The AnIta-Lemmatiser. Working Notes of EVALITA 2011, ISSN: 2240-5186.
- Windmann A., Jauk I., Tamburini F., Wagner P. (2011). Prominenzbasierte Prosodieprädiktion für die Unit-Selection-Sprachsynthese. Proceeding of 22nd German Conference on Speech Signal Processing ESSV 2011, TUD Press: 83-90.
- Grandi N., Montermini F., Tamburini F. (2011). Annotating large corpora for studying Italian derivational morphology. Lingue e Linguaggio, X.2., 227-244, ISSN: 1720-9331.
- Grandi N., Montermini F., Tamburini F. (2011). Morphology meets computational linguistics. Prefazione al volume Lingue e Linguaggio, X.2., 181-182, ISSN: 1720-9331.
- Windmann A., Jauk I., Tamburini F., Wagner P. (2011). Prominence-Based Prosody Prediction for Unit Selection Speech Synthesis. In Proc. Interspeech 2011, Florence, Italy, 325-328, ISSN(CD): 1990-9772, scopus: 2-s2.0-84865760456.
- Rossini Favretti R., Tamburini F., Zaninello A. (2011). Exploiting corpus evidence for automatic sense induction. In Proc. III Congreso Internacional de Linguistica de Corpus (CILC2011), Valencia, Spain, 867-876, ISBN: 978-84-694-6225-6.
- Grandi N., Nissim M., Tamburini F. (2011). Noun-clad adjectives. On the adjectival status of non-head constituents of Italian attributive compounds. Lingue e Linguaggio, X.1, 161-176, ISSN: 1720-9331.
- Windmann A., Wagner P., Tamburini F., Arnold D., Oertel C. (2010). Automatic Prominence Annotation for German Speech Syntesis Corpus: Towards Prominence-Based Prosody Generator for Unit Selection Syntesis. In Proc. 7th ISCA Speech Syntesis Workshop, Kyoto, Japan, 377-382, ISSN 1680-8908.
- Di Matteo N., Peroni S., Tamburini F., Vitali F. (2010). Of Mice and Terms: Clustering Algorithms on Ambiguous Terms in Folksonomies. In Proc of 25th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2010), Sierre, Switzerland, March 2010, 844-848, ISBN 978-1-60558-639-7, DOI 10.1145/1774088.1774262.
- Di Matteo N., Peroni S., Tamburini F., Vitali F. (2009). A parametric architecture for tags clustering in folksonomic search engines. In Proc of 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2009) - IEEE, Pisa, November 2009, 279-282, ISBN 978-1-4244-4735-0, ISSN 2164-7143, DOI 10.1109/ISDA.2009.125.
Tamburini F. (2009). Prominenza frasale e tipologia prosodica: un approccio acustico. In Proc. Linguistica e modelli tecnologici di ricerca, XL congresso internazionale di studi, Società di Linguistica Italiana, Vercelli, 437-455, ISBN 978-88-7870-469-5.
Tamburini F. (2009). PoS-tagging Italian texts with CORISTagger. In Proc of EVALITA 2009. AI*IA Workshop on Evaluation of NLP and Speech Tools for Italian, Reggio Emilia, December 2009, ISBN 978-88-903581-1-1.
Capelletti M., Tamburini F. (2009). Polymorphic Categorial Grammars: expressivity and computational properties. In Proc of ESSLLI Workshop on Parsing with Categorial Grammars, July 2009, Bordeaux, France.
Rossini Favretti R., Tamburini F. (2009). Exploring register features through statistical analysis and interpretation of corpus evidence. Presented at 31st Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Germany - DGfS, March 2009, Osnabrück.
Capelletti M., Tamburini F. (2009). Parsing with Polymorphic Categorial Grammars.
Presented at CICLing 2009, March 2009, Mexico City. Published in Advances in Computational Linguistics. Research in Computing Science, 41, 87-98, ISSN 1870-4069. -
Tamburini F. (2008). La Linguistica Computazionale: un crogiolo di esperienze multidisciplinari. Griselda Online. Luglio 2008, ISSN 1721-4777. (PDF)
Tamburini F., Seidenari C., Bolognesi A., Bernardi R. (2008). Italian Lexical-Classes Definition Using Automatic Methods. In Rossini Favretti R. (ed.), Frames, Corpora and Knowledge Representation, Bologna: Bononia University Press, 95-120, ISBN 978-88-7395-314-2.
Bernardi R., Bolognesi A., Seidenari C., Tamburini F. (2008). Learning an Italian Categorial Grammar. In Rossini Favretti R. (ed.), Frames, Corpora and Knowledge Representation, Bologna: Bononia University Press, 185-200, ISBN 978-88-7395-314-2.
Magnini B., Cappelli A., Tamburini F., Bosco C., Mazzei A., Lombardo V., Bertagna F., Calzolari N., Toral A., Bartalesi Lenzi V., Sprugnoli R., Speranza M. (2008). Evaluation of Natural Language Tools for Italian: EVALITA 2007. In Proc. 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC 2008, Marrakech, ISBN 2-9517408-4-0.
Tamburini F. (2007). EVALITA 2007: the Part-of-Speech Tagging Task. Intelligenza Artificiale, IV(2), 4-7.
Tamburini F. (2007). CORISTagger: a high-performance PoS tagger for Italian. Intelligenza Artificiale, IV(2), 14-15.
Tamburini F., Wagner P. (2007). On Automatic Prominence Detection for German. In Proc. InterSpeech 2007, Antwerp, 1809-1812.
Rossini Favretti R., Tamburini F., Martelli E. (2007). Words from Bononia Legal Corpus. in W. Teubert (ed.), Text Corpora and Multilingual Lexicography, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 11-30.
Onelli C., Proietti D., Seidenari C., Tamburini F. (2006). The DiaCORIS project: a diachronic corpus of written Italian. In Proc. 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC 2006, Genova, 1212-1215.
Bernardi R., Bolognesi A., Seidenari C., Tamburini F. (2006). POS tagset design for Italian. In Proc. 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC 2006, Genova, 1396-1401.
Tamburini F. (2006). Reliable Prominence Identification in English Spontaneous Speech. In Proc. Speech Prosody 2006, Dresden, PS1-9-19.
Bernardi R., Bolognesi A., Seidenari C., Tamburini F. (2005). Automatic induction of a POS tagset for Italian. In Proc. Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2005, Sydney, 176-183.
Tamburini F. (2005). Identificazione automatica della prominenza frasale nella lingua parlata. In Atti del 1° Convegno Nazionale AISV2004 - Associazione Italiana di Scienze della Voce, Padova, 725-754.
Tamburini F. (2005). Automatic Prominence Identification and Prosodic Typology. In Proc. InterSpeech 2005, Lisbon, 1813-1816.
Tamburini F. (2005). Fenomeni prosodici e prominenza: un approccio acustico. Bologna: Bononia University Press.
Tamburini F. (2005). Elaborazione automatica della lingua parlata. In Rossini Favretti R. (Ed.), E-Learning: comunicazione mediata e presenziale. Bologna: Bononia University Press, 39-54.
Gianninoni R., Paci, S., Tamburini F. (2005). Dai template ai learning object. In Rossini Favretti R. (Ed.), E-Learning: comunicazione mediata e presenziale. Bologna: Bononia University Press, 86-96.
Tamburini F., Caini C. (2005). An automatic system for detecting prosodic prominence in American English continuous speech. International Journal of Speech Technology, 8, 33-44.
Bernardi R., Bolognesi A., Tamburini F., and Moortgat M. (2004). Categorial Type Logic meets Dependency Grammar to annotate an Italian corpus. In Proc. Recent Advances in Dependency Grammars Workshop - COLING 2004, Geneva, 57-64.
Tamburini F., Caini C. (2004). Automatic Annotation of Speech Corpora for Prosodic Prominence. In Proc. Compiling and Processing Spoken Language Corpora workshop - LREC-CPSLC, Lisbon, 53-58.
Tamburini F. (2004). Building Distributed Language Resources by Grid Computing. In Proc. 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC 2004, Lisbon, 1217-1220.
Tamburini F. (2004). Dynamic generation of web-based multimedia language learning materials through on-line templates. University Langugae Centres: Forging the Learning Environments of the Future. papers from the 7th CercleS International Conference, 19-21 September 2002, Paris, 357-363.
Tamburini F. (2003). Automatic Prosodic Prominence Detection in Speech using Acoustic Features: an Unsupervised System. In Proc. 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology - Eurospeech 2003, Geneva, 129-132.
Tamburini F. (2003). Prosodic prominence detection in speech. In Proc. 7th International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications - ISSPA2003, Paris, 385-388.
Tamburini F., Paci S. (2002). Web-based language learning: authoring and assessment technologies. In Proc. International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Education - ICTE2002, Badajoz, 872-877.
Tamburini F. (2002). Quantitative Analysis of Word Distributional Behaviour. Italian Derived Adverbs: a case study. The 7th TELRI Seminar "Information in Corpora", 26-29 September 2002, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Tamburini F. (2002). Automatic detection of prosodic prominence in continuous speech. In Proc. Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC2002, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain, 301-306.
Tamburini F. (2002). A dynamic model for reference corpora structure definition. In Proc. Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC2002, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain, 1847-1850.
Tamburini F., Paci S. (2002). On-line templates for the production of web-based multimedia language learning material. In Proc. International Conference on New Educational Environments - ICNEE2002, Lugano.
Tamburini F., De Santis C., Zamuner E. (2002). Identifying phrasal connectives in Italian using quantitative methods. Presented at the Fourth International Symposium on Phraseology, April 9-11, 2001, Rome, Italy, 45-64.
Published in Phrases and Phraseology - Data and Descriptions, Nuccorini, S. (ed.), Berlin: Peter Lang. -
Rossini Favretti R., Tamburini F., De Santis C. (2002). CORIS/CODIS: A corpus of written Italian based on a defined and a dynamic model. In A Rainbow of Corpora: Corpus Linguistics and the Languages of the World, Wilson, A., Rayson, P. and McEnery, T. (eds.), Lincom-Europa, Munich, 27-38.
Rossini Favretti R., Tamburini F., Martelli E (2001). Words from Bononia Legal Corpus, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, Vol. 6 (Special Issue), 13-34.
Rossini Favretti R., Gianninoni R., Paci S., Tamburini F. (2000). Interfacce utente per la didattica delle lingue straniere: analisi di un'applicazione multimediale monitorata, Didamatica 2000. Informatica per la didattica, Andronico A., Casadei G., Sacerdoti G. (a cura di), 2, 215-221.
Tamburini F. (2000). Annotazione grammaticale e lemmatizzazione di corpora in italiano, Linguistica e informatica: multimedialita', corpora e percorsi di apprendimento, Rossini Favretti R. (a cura di), Bulzoni, Roma, 57-73.
Rossini Favretti R., Bromwich W,. Greenwood A., Poppi F,. Tamburini F., Thursfield A. (1999). Laboratorio DIAPASON for science, CLUEB, Bologna.
Paci S., Tamburini F. (1999). A multimedia application for self-access learning: the MISSILE software package, Percorsi assistiti nell'auto-apprendimento, Poppi F. (a cura di), CLUEB, Bologna, 141-149.
Davoli R, Tamburini F., Gaioni R. (1999). A translation, rotation and scale invariant transform for grey scale images: a parallel implementation, In proc. Fifth European SGI / Cray MPP Workshop, Bologna.
Tamburini F. (1999). A multimedia framework for second language teaching in self-access environments. Computers & Education, 32(2), Pergamon, 137-149.
Davoli R., Tamburini F., Frascari A. (1996). Niched Genetic Algorithms: a massive parallel approach to Schedulability Checking in Real-Time Systems, Science and Supercomputing at C.I.N.E.C.A.: 1995-Report, Erbacci G., Voli M. (Eds), C.I.N.E.C.A., Bologna, 208-216.
Davoli R., Tamburini F., Giachini L.A. (1996). Scheduling Data Flow Programs in Hard Real-Time Environments, Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault Tolerant Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Heidelberg, 1135, 263-278.
Davoli R., Tamburini F., Giachini L.A., Fiumana F. (1995). Schedulability Checking in Real-Time Systems using Neural Networks, Journal ofArtificial Neural Networks, Nordwood, 2(4), 421-430.
Francis R., Tamburini F. (1994). Identifying salient prosodic parameters in connected speech. The Self Access Facility in a Language Centre, Rossini Favretti R. et al. (Eds), C.I.L.T.A., Bologna, 31-40.
Rossini Favretti R., Silver M., Gasser R., Tamburini F. (Eds) (1994). The Self Access Facility in a Language Centre, C.I.L.T.A., Bologna.
Tamburini F., Davoli R. (1994). An algorithmic method to build good training sets for neural-network classifiers. UBLCS, Technical Report Series, 94-18.
Davoli R., Tamburini F. (1993). DATA algorithm: a numerical method to extract shape information from gray scale images, In Pölzleitner W. and Wenger E. (Eds), Image Analysis and Synthesis, Wien, 219-230.